Black Power Without Black Women Is Weak
“The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman, the most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” – Malcolm X
When most people think about Malcolm X they immediately think of Black manhood leading to associations of Black power tied exclusively to the work of Black men. This is most likely a case of people not knowing that our own Black shining Read more...
Got Books? For The Smart & Sexy
Have you ever dated someone who didn’t read? Someone who was into you, but not into books? Ugh! I’ll tell you now: You will not get to first base with me if the only “literature” you read is the menu at your favorite Thai spot and the headlines on I think reading is so friggin’ sexy! As a matter of fact the only pic I have of the last guy I dated is of Read more...
Rape Ain’t Spectacular
I need to know when rape became so acceptable to the point of trending? No, maybe not when, buy probably why? First, writer/ BET correspondent Toure posted on Twitter some rather confusing comments about how he believed some female slaves were ok with massa raping them because it would sometimes lead to freedom:
“Of course most were raped, …but most were sharp enough to trade that good-good for status and liberation.”
How liberated did Sally