The 15 Most Fascinating Hot Grrrls of 2013
Fresh on the heels of watching Lupita Nyong’o get robbed at the Golden Globes for her star-making, provocative and mesmerizing performance in 12 Years A Slave and frankly, still salty over Kerry Washington’s Emmy loss last fall, I was reminded of theHotness’ Most Fascinating List from 2010 and knew it was high-time to bring that justificative joint back. And yea, the Oscars even snubbed Oprah yesterday and left her, for a second time (first Read more...
I’m On The Katie Show (Part 2)
The two questions seemingly on everyone’s mind these days: What do I think of Beyonce’s new CD? And what has happened since my appearance on Katie? I think Bey’s new album is a game-changer. How it was released, the quirky frenzied haunting music and its inextricable connection to video and image, the look and feel of sensuality, sexuality and pleasure through a young Black married woman’s eyes… yep, game changing!
And well, about me, life
EVENT: What is Solidarity for Women of Color?
When the hashtag #solidarityisforwhitewomen was created this past summer it caused an uproar on Twitter, with Women of Color questioning what their position is within the feminist movement. On Tuesday, October 22nd, NOW-NYC (National Organization for Women) will host a conversation that will explore how Women of Color feminists navigate their experiences within a society where solidarity has been commonly defined by white women. We will discuss recent developments within the feminist movement as it Read more...
Friends & Work: Competition & Handlin it!
For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a project for a finance company and as such, (besides neglecting my blog) I’ve been getting reacquainted with the corporate world and the benefits, restrictions and protocol of the 9 – 5 7 business-casual life. For the first three days on the gig no one spoke to me. The VP of HR walked me in, made sure I got an ID, showed me to my desk Read more...
Black Girls Deserve So Much More
“I speak here as a woman of Color who is not bent upon destruction, but upon survival. No woman is responsible for altering the psyche of her oppressor, even when that psyche is embodied in another woman.” –Audre Lorde
“The way I feel about life? It’s a struggle. You have to stop getting mad and get smart.” – Mamie Lee Melton Nichols
Sunday night as the Oscar’s came to a close someone at The Onion Read more...