August 31, 2016

Real Talk

Nate Parker: When Black Power Meets Rape Culture


Ah Nate Parker. This has been extremely challenging for me to process. I wasn’t so much disappointed by the news of his rape case as I was offended. Nate Parker has disappointed me in the past with other choices and comments he’s made, but not this. And his recent comments were almost more offending than the incident itself because it showed that 17 years later this dude had convinced himself that he had done nothing Read more...

February 2, 2012

Real Talk

Dear BET: What Happened To THE GAME?

Dear BET:

I am stunned, hurt and so tremendously disappointed by the portrayals featured on your highly touted, record-breaking show “The Game.” I knew when I saw the first episode and Tasha Mack was smoking a Black-n-Mild that this was probably not going to be the CW show I once loved, but I was still invested in seeing how storylines would play out now that some of my favorite characters had found a home on Read more...