I’m On The Katie Show (Part 2)
The two questions seemingly on everyone’s mind these days: What do I think of Beyonce’s new CD? And what has happened since my appearance on Katie? I think Bey’s new album is a game-changer. How it was released, the quirky frenzied haunting music and its inextricable connection to video and image, the look and feel of sensuality, sexuality and pleasure through a young Black married woman’s eyes… yep, game changing!
And well, about me, life
I’m On The Katie Show! (Part I)
Please check me out every day this week on the Katie Show (ABC @3pm). I was selected to be one of three women discussing the challenges of finding my ideal job in this shaky, shut-downed economy and Katie Couric has set out to help me get this cool gig in a new segment called “Katie’s Classifieds.” Unbeknownst to me, I was referred for this series and the producers selected me the night before they started Read more...