April 19, 2012


The 5 Women That Should’ve Been in Vanity Fair

As usual another magazine comes out with their “Hottest,” “Sexiest” and “Best Of” Issue featuring the flavors of the month in popular culture. And of course, the panorama of pale faces is yet another reminder that people of color are a second, if not third, thought in mainstream media’s eyes. So when I saw the Vanity Fair TV Issue, and did not see one brown face on the cover I wasn’t outraged or even surprised. Read more...

May 27, 2009

Real Talk

I am Sonia Sotomayor!


Okay well I’m not really Sonia Sotomayor, but I can identify with the 54-year old judge who is poised to become the Supreme Court’s first Hispanic justice and only its third woman.  Firstly, she’s a Boriquena from the Bronx (my hometown) who went to Cardinal Spelman H.S. Supported solely by the wages of her single mom she went on to attend Princeton and then Yale Law where she served as Editor of their Law Read more...