November 29, 2011

First Lady

First Lady: Uppity? “I just own my happiness!”

Last week mush-mouth Rush Limbaugh was up to his old moronic tricks chasing his tail and flapping his gums like a pigeon in its first bird bath. Wet winged, err right-winged and ignoring the fodder that is Herman Cain’s antics, he chose to pick on someone else? The First Fam– specifically Michelle Obama. Limbaugh explained the booing of the First Lady at a NASCAR event in Florida as the crowd’s frustration with her “screwy” expenditures Read more...

May 27, 2009

Real Talk

I am Sonia Sotomayor!


Okay well I’m not really Sonia Sotomayor, but I can identify with the 54-year old judge who is poised to become the Supreme Court’s first Hispanic justice and only its third woman.  Firstly, she’s a Boriquena from the Bronx (my hometown) who went to Cardinal Spelman H.S. Supported solely by the wages of her single mom she went on to attend Princeton and then Yale Law where she served as Editor of their Law Read more...