Stop Playing & Get Your Life! Why I Had To Do Me
Growing up I used to hear folks say, I have to get right with God. Well about a month ago I realized I had to get right with myself and being that I believe God lives in me, it made immediate sense. I wasn’t feeling very “social.” I was beginning to dread going on Facebook. The process felt more mechanical than experiential. I was going through the motions because I felt I had too. Even Read more...
Poof… I’m Outta Here!
You can call it #OperationUNPLUG or #OperationBITCHESBREW, either way you hashtag it, I’m outta here and on a mission. Not for good, but as you probably have already noticed I’ve taken August off from blogging. My sabbatical was impromptu, but right on time and so necessary. I was running on “E” and thought I could make it to the end of August, but there I was smack dab at the end of July and Read more...