Kerry Washington’s New Green-House
Apparently Kerry Washington, the actress who bored us in She Hate Me, charmed us in Ray and then unhinged us with her portrayal of Kay Amin in Last King of Scotland was experiencing a décor dilemma. It would seem (if we are to believe all that’s fit to print in O and we kinda do), the Bronx born activist did not know how to fuse her desire to live an eco-friendly existence with having a fly looking place to call home. After rallying crazy hard for Obama’s Presidency, Kerry returned to what looks like a dreary, drab dreg of an L.A. apartment. She is quoted in this month’s O as saying, “I thought I didn’t care about that stuff. I always prided myself on the fact that I could live out of milk crates forever. It was kind of my way of detaching from materialism.” This is the same chick that rocks the red carpet wearing Jean Paul Gaultier, diamond bangles, and black satin nail polish to match her black sequined silk organza’d appliques. Detached from materialism? Not into that stuff? Uh, right!
Homegrrrl wowed them at Cannes (where no one is impressed), but somehow back home in West Hollywood, Kerry’s apartment resembled a dorm room. The color palette was cold mashed potato with gravy except for the bedroom, which was decidedly Maalax blue. Clearly money, fame, and talent do not equate or make up for authentic style and taste. Thank God for stylists and now for interior designers like Danny Seo (an environmental designer) cause he really hooked her apartment up while keeping in line with Kerry’s “Go Green” lifestyle. I love the citron green walls (paint is toxic-free) in the kitchen, the red and white organic cotton fabric from Rubie Green in the living room and especially love that revamped patio. And yeah even though I hate the idea of doggy steps, recovered with a $15 woven Peruvian rug, it’s too fresh!
See more pics of the makeover here including those doggy steps.