November 23, 2011

Real Talk

Poet Nikky Finney’s Awesome Thank You Speech

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and as many of us take off to spend time with family and close friends readying our waistlines for turkey, macaroni & cheese, lasagna, greens, candied yams, pumpkin pie and an assortment of other goodies, I find the time we spend being grateful, a fleeting, yet still very essential part of this holiday. So I urge you to take a minute, actually ten, to please watch Nikky Finney’s acceptance speech that she Read more...

April 15, 2010

Real Talk

Rape Ain’t Spectacular

I need to know when rape became so acceptable to the point of trending? No, maybe not when, buy probably why? First, writer/ BET correspondent Toure posted on Twitter some rather confusing comments about how he believed some female slaves were ok with massa raping them because it would sometimes lead to freedom:

“Of course most were raped, …but most were sharp enough to trade that good-good for status and liberation.”

How liberated did Sally