November 15, 2010


“For Colored Girls: Recapped & Wrapped

“It was all I had but bein alive & bein a woman & bein colored is a metaphysical dilemma/ I haven’t conquered yet.” ~Lady In Yellow

“Ever since I realized there waz someone callt/ a colored girl an evil woman a bitch or a nag/ i been tryin not to be that & leave bitterness/ in somebody else’s cup.” ~Lady In Orange

“Poetry is not a Luxury!” ~Audre Lorde

I could go on and on

May 28, 2010


Sex & The City II: Reflections


Whoo-weee Memorial Day Weekend is here and for many of us that means the first real break since January. Now summer is upon us and I can feel New York City finally ease back into a rocksteady sexy sway. This weekend as I remember all those, including my uncles and father, who courageously fought for a country that so often denied them their manhood, their American-hood, I’m looking forward to celebrating life with all of Read more...